@ -3183,6 +3183,231 @@ select a.PKEY,a.HZPKEY,a.JZPKEY,a.JZH,a.CFH,a.YZCL,a.YZLB,a.YZLX,a.YZXPKEY,a.YZS
<dao id= "zyyzViewOrderDao_new" log= "true" type= "1" memo= "住院已审核所有医嘱dao,这里只允许修改状态,不允许删除和新增" >
<sql >
select t1.* from HIS_YFFY_ZYFYMXB t1 where t1.jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and t1.hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and t1.JGID='#jgid#'
), T_HIS_YFFY_PYB as (
select t2.* from HIS_YFFY_PYB t2 where t2.jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and t2.hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and t2.JGID='#jgid#'
), T_HIS_YZ_EXEC as (
select t3.* from HIS_YZ_EXEC t3 where t3.jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and t3.hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and t3.JGID='#jgid#'
(select sum(yzsl) from T_HIS_YFFY_PYB pyb left join T_HIS_YZ_EXEC exec on pyb.DFYPKEY=exec.pkey and pyb.JGID=exec.JGID where pyb.yzmx=a.pkey and pyb.JGID='#jgid#' and exec.ZXFLAG=1 and pyb.FYCX=0) dfysl,
(select sum(aa.yzsl) from T_HIS_YFFY_ZYFYMXB aa left join T_HIS_YFFY_PYB bb on aa.PYBPKEY=bb.pkey and aa.yzmx=bb.yzmx and bb.FYZT='1' where aa.yzmx=a.pkey and aa.jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and aa.hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and aa.JGID=a.JGID ) yffysl,
(select sum(TYSL) from T_HIS_YFFY_ZYFYMXB where yzmx=a.pkey and jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and JGID='#jgid#') yftysl,
(select sum(ZXSL) zxsl from T_HIS_YZ_EXEC where yzmx=a.pkey and jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and JGID='#jgid#' and ZXFLAG='1' and SFFLAG='1') zxsl,
(select sum(ZXJE) zxje from T_HIS_YZ_EXEC where yzmx=a.pkey and jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and JGID='#jgid#' and ZXFLAG='1' and SFFLAG='1') zxje,
(select sum(sfx.SFXZFY) yffyzje from T_HIS_YFFY_ZYFYMXB aa left join T_HIS_YFFY_PYB bb on aa.PYBPKEY=bb.pkey and aa.yzmx=bb.yzmx and bb.FYZT='1' right join HIS_SFZD_SFXMXB sfx on aa.SFXPKEY=sfx.pkey and aa.JGID=sfx.JGID where aa.yzmx=a.pkey and aa.JGID='#jgid#' and aa.hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and aa.jzpkey='#jzpkey#') yffyzje,
(select sum(sfx.SFXZFY) from T_HIS_YFFY_ZYFYMXB aa left join HIS_SFZD_SFXMXB sfx on aa.sfxpkey=sfx.pkey and aa.JGID=sfx.JGID and aa.tysl>0 where aa.yzmx=a.pkey and aa.jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and aa.hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and aa.JGID='#jgid#') yztyzje,
(select sum(yzsl*exec.zxje) from T_HIS_YFFY_PYB pyb left join T_HIS_YZ_EXEC exec on pyb.DFYPKEY=exec.pkey and pyb.JGID=exec.JGID where pyb.yzmx=a.pkey and pyb.JGID='#jgid#' and exec.ZXFLAG=1 and pyb.FYCX=0 and exec.SFFLAG=1 and pyb.FYZT=0) sfdfyzje,
(select sum(ZXJE) yffjzje from T_HIS_YZ_EXEC where YFBDZYZPKEY=a.pkey and jzpkey='#jzpkey#' and hzpkey='#hzpkey#' and JGID='#jgid#' and ZXFLAG='1' and SFFLAG='1') yffjzje,a.HZSZKS,a.LOCKFLAG,a.SFXSYZ,a.GLLX,a.OPAPKEY,a.ANESPKEY,a.ISOPAORDER,a.ISANESORDER,
from HIS_YZ_MXB a where a.JGID=? and a.HZPKEY=? and a.JZPKEY=? and (a.YZLX='0' or a.YZLX='4' or a.YZLX='5' or a.YZLX='3' or a.YZLX='8' or a.YZLX='9') and (1=? or a.ZYYZFL=?) and a.YZSHZT=1 #select# order by a.yzxh
<tables >
<table name= "HIS_YZ_MXB" insert= "false" update= "true" delete= "false" >
<primary > PKEY</primary>
<primary > HZPKEY</primary>
<primary > JZPKEY</primary>
<primary > YZZT</primary>
<fields >
<f name= "PKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "HZPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "JZPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "JZH" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "CFH" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZCL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZLB" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZLX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSHZT" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXH" type= "8" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJLDW" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZPC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZYF" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYYF" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYYFMS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTZH" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXZSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXZYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZLRYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJE" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZBEGINJDSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZENDJDSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZBEGINZXSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZXSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZYTZSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTZSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZDJ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZBEGINJDHS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZENDJDHS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTZYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZT" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZFYLB" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZDAYCS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJDBZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZYX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZDY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXZSXYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTZSXYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ZYCS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXZRLX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZCXR" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
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<f name= "YZFYZH" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSFZYZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSCZXCS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZTPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZDS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJJBZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "CJR" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "CJRQ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "JGID" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZLC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZGLYZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSYCS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
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<f name= "YZSFPY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
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<f name= "YZCLYY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
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<f name= "YZBBLX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZDW" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZXZKS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJZJLXS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZJZZHXS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YPYZJBJG" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YPYZJBDW" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
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<f name= "YZMC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSFZT" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTFSL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZDJSL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZYL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYFSKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYFS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYJX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYDJF" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISDJJS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DJJSSL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISZCYDJCL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "IZZCYDJFJF" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISGFFJ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZCYBZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "SQDTYPE" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
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<f name= "SQDJSPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "SQDTFJE" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ZYYZFL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSHYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSHRQ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISZPC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZPC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZPCFFSJ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "PSJG" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ZCYGLCZLX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZFR" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZFSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZZFYY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "PSJGSJ" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "PSJGR" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISDPBCL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "dfysl" type= "8" />
<f name= "yffysl" type= "8" />
<f name= "yftysl" type= "8" />
<f name= "zxsl" type= "8" />
<f name= "zxje" type= "8" />
<f name= "yffyzje" type= "8" />
<f name= "yztyzje" type= "8" />
<f name= "sfdfyzje" type= "8" />
<f name= "yffjzje" type= "8" />
<f name= "HZSZKS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "LOCKFLAG" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "SFXSYZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "GLLX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "OPAPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ANESPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISOPAORDER" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ISANESORDER" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "sfdfysl" type= "8" />
<f name= "SMORDERPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "LMT_USED_FLAG" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "XZSYFW" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "CHRGITM_LV" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YBBM" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YBMC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZGG" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZDXRL" type= "8" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YPFYSJMS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YPPCSJ" type= "8" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YPPCJBSJ" type= "8" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YPMRPC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DMJYZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DMJSFZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DMJDBRSFZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DMJDBRXM" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DMJDBRDH" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZCFLX" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSFKS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSFYS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSFTIME" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZSFBZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZYWBZ" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZPSYPPC" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZPSDS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZPSDSBEGIN" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZPSDSMINUTE" type= "-5" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "PSDSMAN" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "PSDSTIME" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "PSZXKS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DDD" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZTPKEY" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "SFQYSHCF" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "SHCFZT" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "DCZDJL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "MTZDJL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "ZDL" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "SZSYTS" type= "12" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB" />
<f name= "YZHOURBEGIN" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB " />
<f name= "YZHOUREND" type= "93" table= "HIS_YZ_MXB " />
<parameter >
<p > 12</p>
<p > 12</p>
<p > 12</p>
<p > 12</p>
<p > 12</p>
<dao id= "getMaxYzxhForOrdDao" log= "true" type= "1" >
<dao id= "getMaxYzxhForOrdDao" log= "true" type= "1" >
<sql > select max(YZXH) maxyzxh from HIS_YZ_MXB where JGID=? and HZPKEY=? and JZPKEY=?</sql>
<sql > select max(YZXH) maxyzxh from HIS_YZ_MXB where JGID=? and HZPKEY=? and JZPKEY=?</sql>
<fields >
<fields >